
A webinar series is organized on the first Thursday of each month at 3.30 pm UT.

Organizing team :
 Virginie Durand (Géoazur)
 Nestor Cerpa (Géosciences Montpellier)
 Théa Ragon (ISTerre)

To receive information about the coming seminars, register to the webinars email list use this link.

Dec. 5 - Constanza Rodriguez-Piceda - The signature of lithospheric strength on seismicity in the Central Andes

zoom link https://umontpellier-fr.zoom.us/j/94079278166
The signature of lithospheric strength on seismicity in the Central Andes
In the southern Central Andes (29°S-39°S), the oceanic plate changes the subduction angle between 33°S and 35°S from almost horizontal (< 5° dip) in the north to a steeper angle ( 30° dip) in the south. This region displays remarkable along- and across- strike variations of the tectonic deformation patterns. I will talk about the effects of the long-term (…)

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Nov. 7 - Diego Molina - Numerical modelling and geodetic observations improving our understanding about seismic barriers

zoom link : https://univ-grenoble-alpes-fr.zoom.us/j/96621716577?pwd=6eVQ45MI5bAMUo5D2gqvMPLJzarour.1
Numerical modelling and geodetic observations improving our understanding about seismic barriers
by Diego Molina (ISTerre, Grenoble, France)
Understanding what controls the maximum size of an earthquake is essential to estimate seismic hazard. Typically, zones promoting seismic rupture arrest along subduction megathrusts have been correlated with the subduction of bathymetric (…)

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Oct. 3rd - Bar Oryan - Megathrust locking encoded in subduction landscapes

zoom link : https://univ-grenoble-alpes-fr.zoom.us/j/94189382758?pwd=OsNMhJVMNIxBUjHJO8FyxwWJcjLCR9.1
Megathrust locking encoded in subduction landscapes :
by Bar Oryan (Scripps UCSD, USA)
Locked areas of subduction megathrusts are increasingly found to coincide with landscape features sculpted over hundreds of thousand years, yet the mechanisms that underlie such correlations remain elusive. We show that interseismic locking gradients induce increments of irreversible strain across (…)

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Sept 5th - German Prieto

zoom link : https://univ-cotedazur.zoom.us/j/85922672356?pwd=L0Q1QW5YQUl1eDByNURKaUNOSjlIUT09
German Prieto (Geosciences Department, Universidad Nacional de Colombia)

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June 6 2024 - Active tectonics and subduction processes in Ecuador

– Alexandra Alvarado, from Instituto Geofísico, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador, on 15 years of active tectonics in Ecuador and perspectives.
– Laurence Audin, from ISTerre, France, on 15 years of active tectonics in Ecuador and perspectives.
– Hans Agurto-Detzel, from KIT, Germany, on Overview of the Ecuadorian subduction zone from a seismological point of view.

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March 7 2024 - Subduction zones : Across scales

– Emilie Klein, from ENS Paris, who will talk about "Slip modes in the Atacama segment of the Chilean Subduction zone"
– Andres Tassara, from the University of Concepción, Chile, who will present on "Thermal control on megathrust seismicity along the Chilean margin"

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